Catalyst Business School

Aligning The Dreams of Marketplace Professionals With The Kingdom of God

About Us

Aligning the dreams of marketplace professionals with the Kingdom of God.

Imagine the impact if we aligned the dreams of marketplace professionals with Heaven. Heaven is the ultimate Catalyst, everything it touches is changed and yet it does not change itself!

4% Of The Bay Area attends church, yet 95% are employed in some way. So it’s time to realize that the ultimate goal of Heaven is to bring the excellence and prosperity of Heaven into the marketplace. When we typically define prosperity, we think of success and economic well-being.

A better definition of prosperity is vigorous and healthy growth or flourishing. We believe we prosper when God so invades the internal lives that we experience vigorous and healthy growth in our personal and business lives.

Join our network and be radically changed forever!

Our Vision...

Catalyst Business School is created to align the dreams of marketplace professionals with Heaven to bring the excellence and prosperity of Heaven to the marketplace.

A Big Thanks

Thanks for joining us on this journey! We look forward to getting to know you better!